Outstanding Forensic Science Award:
This award will be presented annually to a qualified nominee, actively involved in law enforcement, in the field of forensic science.
Qualifications are as follows:
The selection of this award will be conducted by the Board of Directors at the board meeting held during the annual conference. The nomination must be submitted to the Chairman of the Board of Directors no later than thirty (30) days prior to the annual conference. The nomination must be signed by an agency head, supervisor, superior officer, or two (2) Active Members of this Association, as now defined in our constitution.
The nominee must be an Active Member of this Association for a minimum of two (2) consecutive years and actively be working in a forensic science field. This award will be presented to that qualified nominee who, in the opinion of the Board of Directors, has made the most significant and valuable contribution in the field of Forensic Science during the year immediately preceding each annual conference.
The nominee shall demonstrate self motivation, excellence, and dedication toward education and advancement in forensic science or in the application of a forensic science.
The field of forensic science shall encompass all disciplines listed under the science and practice committee of this association.
The recommendation for this award shall include: Name, Rank or Title, Job Assignment, Work Background, and details of their contributions and achievements in the field of forensic science.
This award will be presented by the president of this Association at the annual conference.
Sustained Achievement Award:
This award will be presented annually to a qualified nominee, actively involved in law enforcement, in the field of forensic science.
The selection of this award will be conducted by the Board of Directors at the board meeting held during the annual conference.
The nomination must be submitted to the Chairman of the Board of Directors no later than thirty (30) days prior to the annual conference.
The nomination must be signed by an agency head, supervisor, superior officer, or two (2) Active Members of this Association, as now defined in our Constitution.
The nominee must be an Active Member of this Association for a minimum of five (5) consecutive years and have fifteen (15) active years in a forensic science field. This award will be presented to that qualified nominee who, in the opinion of the Board of Directors, has made valuable and consistent contributions in the field of Forensic Science and dedication toward education and advancement in forensic science.
The field of forensic science will encompass all disciplines listed under the science and practice committee association.
The recommendation for this award shall include: Name, Rank of Title, Job Assignment, Work Background, and details of their contributions and achievements in the field of forensic science.
The award will be presented by the president of this Association at the annual conference.

Photography Award:
This award will be presented annually to a qualified nominee, actively involved in law enforcement, in the field of forensic science.
Eligibility: Members in good standing of the FDIAI.
Photos may be color or black and white. Photos must have been taken and cleared for publication within the last twelve (12) month period, prior to the date of the annual conference.
Subject matter: Related to law enforcement only.
Photos Submitted: A member can submit up to three (3) individual photos or a
series of photos. A series of photos is defined as consisting of two (2) or more
photos that are related to one another.
Member must meet the following guidelines:
1. Name of photographer.
2. Brief synopsis of subject matter.
3. Equipment and techniques used.
Deadlines for entries:
Photos must be received no later than 12:00 noon Sunday, October 20, 2024 at the conference FDIAI registration desk. Judging will be based on:
1. Originality
2. Subject Matter
3. Professional Quality
The selection of this award will be conducted by the Board of Directors at the board meeting held during the annual conference.
Awards: A first place plaque will be awarded to the winner and, if warranted, a second place honorable mention in the form of a certificate will be awarded. Only paid up members will be afforded the right to enter the contest

How to Nominate
Send nominations for Sustained Achievement Award and Forensic Science Award thirty (30) days prior to the start of the October 20, 2024 FDIAI Board of Directors Meeting to: