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FDIAI Membership
The Florida Division of the International Association for Identification is the largest state division of the IAI. With over 1000 members throughout the United States, the FDIAI also holds the largest division conference in the country. Membership has many rewards incuding the ability to attend the annual training conference at member rates, other training opportunities throughout the year, our newsletter and the many networking opportunities.
Membership Brochure
Download the new FDIAI Membership Brochure in PDF format here.
The FDIAI publishes a quarterly newsletter online for it's members in the secure member area. The newsletter contains a wealth of informative articles and technology news in the forensic field. With a membership you will be given exclusive access to the members only area of the website and have access to other members in your field for networking possibilites, employment and training opportunities.
Active Membership
The active membership of the FDIAI shall consist of persons who are engaged in the science of identification and who are bona-fide employees of and are receiving salaries from National, State, County or Municipal Governments, or some sub-divisions thereof, and who are actively engaged in the practice of the profession.
Associate Membership
All reputable persons, wholly or partially engaged in any of the various phases of the science of identification and who are not qualified for active membership are eligible to become Associate Members, except they shall not be entitled to vote or hold office.
Student Membership
All reputable persons who are students at an accredited college or university and cannot already be a member of the association. The individual must include with the application a valid and current student identification card or a letter, on a college letterhead, from a professor or instructor verifying that the individual is qualified for student membership. Student members may not vote or hold any office within the organization.
Distinguished Member
1. Articles/Technical Notes published, authored/co-authored in the Official FDIAI Publication 1 point
(B.) Participation. Association Participation Points (Minimum of 4 points, Maximum of 6 points)
1. Attendance at F.D.I.A.I. Educational Conference attendance 1 point (maximum 2 points)
2. Officer/ Past President /Board of Directors Member/Committee Member 1 point (max 2 points)
3. Presentation of a lecture or workshop at a F.D.I.A.I. Educational Conference 1 point (max 4 points)
4. Philanthropy. Association Participation Points (maximum of 2 points)
Recognition level support of the Rinehart Foundation.$250.00 Amount can be cumulative.
5. Association Recognition. Recipient of an F.D.I.A.I recognition award (maximum of 4 points) Sustained Achievement Award 1 point Good of the Association Award 1 point Outstanding Forensic Science Award 1 point
Dues are $35 per year plus a first year non-refundable fee of $5
The Officers of the Florida Division of the International Association for Identification are elected at the annual General Membership Meeting. For a list of the current officers, their addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses, click here. Board of Directors
Except the chairperson, who is the immediate past-president, the Directors are elected at the annual General Membership Meeting. The Board of Directors also includes all past presidents. For a list of the current directors, their addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses, click here. Committees
The Committees are appointed annually by either the President or Chairperson of the Board of Directors. For a list of the current committees, click here. Code of Conduct
As a member of the Florida Division of the International Association for Identification, and being actively engaged in the profession of Scientific Identification and Investigation, I dedicate myself to the efficient and scientific administration thereof in the interest of Justice and the betterment of Law Enforcement.
To cooperate with others of the profession, promote improvement through research, and disseminate such advancement in my effort to make more effective the analysis of the expert.
To employ my technical knowledge factually, with zeal and determination, to protect the ethical standards of the profession of Scientific Identification and Investigation.I humbly accept my responsibility to Public Trust and seek Divine guidance that I may keep inviolate the Profession of Law Enforcement.
Region BoundariesThere are five regions in the FDIAI separated geographically. Each region has a region director elected to represent the region in administering the organization’s affairs.